Meet your massage therapist: Molly Rea, LMT

As the landscape of the PNW continues to turn toward its visibly bustling time of year, we’re finding ourselves starting to be more active too. We’re also noticing some aches and pains, joint creakiness, and muscle stiffness as we unfurl from the cold season! And we’re also very familiar with one thing that can support our bodies and minds in this exact scenario — massage therapy. So, let’s take a moment to share a little more about one of our diversely skilled practitioners: Molly-Grace Rea, LMT.

Molly (she/her) joined our team back in October of 2022. As a professional dancer with more than 20 years of experience, she has a deep understanding of injury management, prevention and rehabilitation, chronic pain, hyper-mobility disorders, and more. She has always found massage and manual therapy to be an important component of supporting the moving body, mind-body connection, and mental well-being.

Check out her full bio here and continue reading below to get to know a little more about her!

Molly-Grace Rea, LMT in her element.

Q: What drew you to the study of manual therapy and massage therapy?

A: My interest in bodywork started when I underwent ankle reconstruction surgery during undergrad while studying ballet. I developed beautiful relationships with my dance medicine care team and that sparked a desire to return the favor for other artists and movers.

I took lots of kinesiology and anatomy classes, many specifically for dancers. It wasn’t until I was in massage therapy school years later where I learned the amazing power of manual therapy and developed a deep love for the emotional & mental support manual therapists are able to offer as well.

Molly-Grace Rea, LMT

Q: How would you explain your style of massage and bodywork to a new patient?

A: I describe my style as slow, focused, specific, individualized, and empathetic. Patients have reflected that my care is knowledgeable, thoughtful, and insightful.

My sessions almost always start out with some Myofascial Release to ensure I’m working through every single layer of tissue that may be related to pain.  This allows for more access to deeper tissues as well, which helps uphold lasting change in structure and relief. 

Q: What is one of your favorite conditions to treat?

A:  I tend to get excited when I see folks with hypermobility disorders, chronic pain, anxiety and depression, because these conditions are especially close to me. I know from experience that receiving tailored bodywork for these conditions can really make significant, meaningful improvements in people’s day-to-day lived experiences.


Molly in her garden with a homegrown bouquet.

Q: What is your favorite self-care practice that you employ regularly?

A: My most regular self-care practice is taking a weekly hot bubble bath with epsom salts and aromatherapy. No screens allowed!

I find it one of the only ways I’m able to calm my mind and my body together. 

Q: What do you do in your free time?

A: When I’m not at the clinic, it’s almost guaranteed I’m either dancing or working in my cut flower plot where I grow and breed flowers for bouquets and design.

Q: What is your favorite inspirational quote/lyric and why?

A: You got your passion, you got your pride / But don't you know that only fools are satisfied? / Dream on, but don't imagine they'll all come true (Billy Joel - Vienna) 

I’ve always felt it’s me who Billy Joel is singing to in this song. If you get to know me at all, you’ll know I’m a passionate dreamer. I always have a dream or two that I already know I don’t necessarily need to come true that I keep in my pocket for the sole purpose of having it and changing whenever I want. There is beauty in knowing you’re in complete control of your passions. I think it’s lovely to get a bit carried away with them but not necessarily need them in order to be happy. 

If you haven’t been in for a while, click below to book an appointment for a tune up with Molly! She’s in network with Aetna, Providence, Regence / BCBS, and UnitedHealthcare.

Stay tuned for our next team member profile.


Allison Koehler

Allison Koehler (she/they) is the practice manager at Turning Pointe Acupuncture, a holistic wellness clinic located in Portland, Oregon. Additionally, Allison provides 1:1 support as a certified transformational coach through her practice Being Alive and is working on crafting herbal offerings through her small creative projects The Common Cauldron and Practical Magic Kitchen. They agree with bell hooks that love is a verb and shares Bjork’s idea that nature has fixed no limits on our hopes. Allison likes to spend her free time cooking, hiking and generally being immersed in nature, hanging out with her partner and two cats, and learning as much as and as often as she can about an endless list of interests.